Not raised in a church atmosphere, Alan was sent to school at Holy Trinity Catholic School from 1st - 3rd
grades. The family was not Catholic, but wanted to send him to a good school. Anyway, this and a several
Summer vacation Bible schools were his first introduction to spiritual matters. Otherwise, growing up in
a fairly secular atmosphere; to him, Sunday was just a boring day (as if Sunday were what being spiritual
were all about anyway...). He had several other brushes with the Gospel message of Jesus throughout childhood
from several sources. Finally, well not "finally" but you know what I mean, at the age of 12 Alan came to an
awakening point. He started looking around and saying "hey, I guess there is a God, and Jesus, now what?" So
he ended up back at Holy Trinity with some friends, spoke with the Priest, Fr. Killian Mooney, and got started
in Cathechism classes (basic Christian dosctrine with a Catholic slant). After several months, he made his public
proffession of the deep faith in Jesus that he had developed, on Easter 1980.