by Alan D. Creech

I wish to discuss with you my dear Theophilus, the grace of God. It is a subject I hold most dear to my own heart. It is that thing which most totally flows from His heart to ours. It is for this reason that I wish to write to you about this matter.

Without a proper understanding of this most precious of things, none of us are able to truly progress in the faith.ÊWe grasp on to this and on to that, but nothing is able to take us where the grace of God is not. There are indeed many great "rooms in the house of the Lord"; but grace, Theophilus, is the key to every door!

As much as we are not rooted and grounded in grace; it is this much that we are yet bound.ÊIt is written, "For freedom Christ has set us free..."ÊDo we allow the chains of the Law to be broken or do we submit ourselves once again to the yoke of bondage!?ÊAs one of our Bishop once said, "It's a no-brainer".ÊIt takes no amount of intelligence or higher learning to answer such a question. I would think not, yet many seem not to know the answer.ÊThey hanker for the fetters that bind their freedom.

I think, perhaps, that some are afraid of walking the path without a monitor pacing their every step.ÊThat might make some degree of sense if the monitor was truly the one who's responsibility it was to raise you up and graduate you into adulthood. This, though, is not the case.ÊThat is the job of the parent who hired the monitor.

Theophilus; God is our parent.ÊLong ago He fashioned a monitor, a disciplinarian for us.ÊThe disciplinarian's purpose was to guide us to a certain place... to the cross!Ê When that holy blood was spilled, the veil which separated God and His children was torn in two!Ê At that moment, the monitor's job was finished; his purpose had come to an end. This is what our Saviour was speaking of when He said from the cross, "It is finished."

The Law and the ways of the Law have been done away with.ÊIt was never meant to fulfill in us that which He whom it lead to has so fulfilled. Anyone who says anything to the contrary; anyone who tries to constrain you in servitude to the Law (taste not, touch not, handle not) preaches to you a gospel which is contrary to the truth that is in Jesus. In fact, it is no "gospel" at all, for it is not "good news".

Receive this into your heart, holy one. Know that you are viewed, now and forever, through the blood of Him who paid the price for your freedom. Be Free!!Ê Walk according to the Spirit which is within you, as you are made able to do so. May every blessing that is in Christ Jesus be manifested in your life as you walk with your eyes fixed on Him, and...

May the Grace and Peace of God be with You!

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