
What was your favorite TV show as a kid?

Scripture References:

1) Matthew 5:14-16
2) 1 Corinthians 9:19-22
3) 1 Corinthians 3:5-8
4) 1 Peter 2:12

Because the light of the world dwells in us, we have become light! The light of God shines in us and through us to all who see us - if we let it's light shine. We are called to live the life of Jesus before the world so that they see Him and are drawn to Him by His goodness. We proclaim the good new as much or more by "being" as we do by "speaking". In fact if we speak and don't do, we cause people to reject the gospel. Evangelism happens every day as we live our normal lives. We may be sowing, cultivating, or reaping but the light always shines.


1) Talk about some ways that you can let God's light shine through you.

2) What is Evangelism?

3) Discuss the phenomenon of "preaching" more than we live?


This week, let's all take time to think about how we are portraying Christ to those around us. Not just how we are "telling" people about Him with our words, but how they are actually "seeing" Him in our lives. We can share about this next time.

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