Scripture References:

1) John 13:34
2) John 15:12-13
3) 1 John 4: v.11 and v.21
4) 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

This is the King of "one anothers"! To Love one another is everything because God's very nature IS LOVE. We are only really living out our salvation when we act in Love. In the combined scriptures John 15:12-13 Jesus, in a sense, defines Love for us in a phrase - "to lay down our lives for one another." That is God's Love. Not just dying for one another, but "living" for one another; giving up our agenda in favor of the other. That is precisely what Jesus did.


1) How do you "Love" someone?

2) As brothers and sisters in Christ, how can we develop a better "Love Relationship" with each other?

3) Where do YOU need need "work" in the Love one another category?


Think of something you can do this week which better allows God's Love in you to come out. Share with the group so we can help each other.

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