
Who is the biggest celebrity you've met, seen, etc.?

Scripture References:

1) 1 Corinthians 12:20-22
2) 1 John 4:19-21
3) Hebrews 10:24-25

We are not designed by God to be alone. God has put us together as one Body. Of course we are individual parts of that Body with unique functions and attributes, but ultimately we are one in the person of Jesus. We should fellowship with one another for many reasons - not just because it's fun. We all have something to add to each other. Our giftedness is not so much for us as it is for those around us - especially our brothers and sisters in Christ. We are really incomplete without each other. We are made to Love God, not only in ourselves and in heaven, but in our "brother." In fact, we are not loving Him very well if we're not loving each other. It's not just "YOU & JESUS." Well, it is, but JESUS doesn't come without His Body. So, to properly fellowship with Jesus and receive from Him what He wants to give, you must also fellowship with Christians. There are definitely times to draw away and be alone, but they are the exception, not the rule. We cripple ourselves by going out into a strange land alone. If we go together, we can make it - "with all the players, we can win the game."


1) What are some ways we can fellowship with one another?

2) What do you "gain" from Christian fellowship?

3) Talk about some ways in which you have personally benefited in your life from fellowship with the saints?


We all live busy lives these days. This means we have to really know what is important to us and go hard after those things. Fellowship is worth sacrificing time for. It is necessary, so let's all MAKE time for a brother or sister this week.

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