Scripture References:

1) Colossians 1:9-10
2) Philippians 2:12-13
3) Psalm 119:15-16
4) Romans 12:2

After we have been in Christ and in the Christian life for a while, we "see" more of God and of ourselves. As our soul (mind, will, emotions) become more saturated with His Holy Spirit, He is more revealed to us as He really is. We are given pieces at a time, if you will, of spiritual understanding. The light of Truth gets brighter and brighter. When we "see" these bits of Truth, though, for the first time we mustn't think we've arrived and that's it. We must work through the understanding of what we've seen. When we see more of the road, we must then travel it in order to fully experience where it is taking us. We can't just say "cool, that's good stuff!" It very well may be, but you'll never experience it in your life unless you work it out in your self. Our scripture references tell us that it is possible to know fully and have spiritual insight; that we must "work out" what has been given us by God; and that part of doing that is for us to meditate, consider, study, and generally let our minds be overtaken by the Truth that we've been given. If we do this we will fully know and experience the Truth and Light of God in our every-day lives - and so will everyone around us!


1) Share with the group a time when you "saw" something in God. What was that like for you?

2) What does it mean to "work through" the Truth that you have seen?

3) Why is it important for us to do this in our Christian life?


Let's all think of one thing, one Truth, that has been "revealed" to us and start an intentional journey to really get to know the depth of that thing so we can see it operate in our lives.

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