May 5th, 2007: I'm back! This is my first update in 1 year and 2
months (last update was on March 5, 2006. Took a little break from dolling
during pregnancy and after the birth of my son. Just recently decided to get
back to dolling so I've made a simple new layout to start the site again
because I didn't like the old one. My domain name is gone for now until Ii
decide what I want to do. So are my bases, props, outlines, tag and some
of the tutorials since I wanted to simplify. I have added two new dolls, one
is an oldie I made for a challenge in the forum Mystical Dreams when it was
still open and the second one is my first doll in a long, long time and my new
avatar for the forum Ship of Dreams. I have also added a beautiful fairy my
sister Jersey surprised me with. Thanks Jersey!
New Dolls
New Gifts