Jones Branch

The founders of this branch are colored gainsboro along with their children who are not known to have produced children.
The ancestor of a sub-branch and her/his descendents are each given a different color.
Blank cells represent individuals marrying into the line who not known to have produced children.
Individuals marrying into a sub-branch or producing children are colored a light blue.

Generation 7
William H. Jones Eleanor Hicks
Children: 8

Generation 8
Jesse Jones ? Basil "Buddy" D. Jones Lena Cromer Dolphus Edward Jones Cornea or Carlina Jones ? Hubbard Bluie Jones ? Florence Roy Jones Mattie ? Hattie Jones ? Shackford Claude Foster Jones Willie Lea Almond
Children: 1 Children: 4 Children: 3

Generation 9
? Jones (son) Glenn Jones Coy Jones Foster Jones ? Jones (son) Willard Jones Billy Wayne Jones 1) Diana Inez Williams Elaine Jones Tommy Rachel
Children: 1 Children: 2
Billy Wayne Jones 2) Paula Chewing

Generation 10
Jeffery Alan Jones Thomas Don Rachel Kimberly Elaine Rachel

Extended Family Tree by Surname | A Word on Genetics and Anthropology | Index of Individuals | Graphical Family Tree by Generation | Online Family Members