The Bulge
Artist Statement: The Bulge Series
The Bulge Series originated around the idea of the feminine form, especially during such significant female phases such as puberty and pregnancy. The shape of the circle and sphere became predominate through out these pieces as the symbol for the female, but it is not merely a symbol but a physical hole that can hold and be embedded. The circle not only symbolizes the female body, female softness, with it’s curves that suddenly develop during the young ages of puberty and the growth of the belly during pregnancy, but also speaks to the repeating cycle and the never ending elements that the circle possesses.
The cycle of motherhood that is passed down to generation after generation of girls and the responsibilities that are attached to that position were one of my main focuses. Whether the role and responsibility is not desired or anticipated it is given non the less as soon as our bodies are physically developed. The cycle that the female body goes through every month is just one example of how we physically become prepared. Though, the mental preparation might take much longer. There is a strong attachment to the more innocent days of childhood present in these pieces. The use of spherical toys such as marbles and bouncy balls are used to reference the desire to remain young and carefree. It represents a slight awkwardness and/or fear of this particular responsibility. More feminine materials such as cloth and pantyhose were used to exaggerate the actual physical bulge that I was trying to create. The bulge of the breast, of the stomach or even the bulge of a man. The bulge that can really mean so many different things when thinking about topics such as innocence, sex, growth and coming of age.