Yea. . . I'm just rambling on. I like arguments. Please feel free to e-mail me with your thoughts. Everyone is entitled their opinion (until Uncle Sam provides further notice). I like spirited debate. You can't change my mind if you don't try. By your silence I take it you agree with me so speak up! First off, I don't think guns are the problem, I think lack of morality is. More people are killed by cars than by fire arms. Firearms are dramatic. Trivia devotees will note that although the bow was a more deadly, more accurate and more 'acquirable' weapon, the musket was more popular. (See this article for more details) Our children are being desensitized to violence in the movies, in the video games and in the fact that parents are scared of disciplining their children. There is no prayer in schools. Children watch TV and see all the glamour and action and yet in their lives they know that they can never break free of the society that binds them. They will never experience that glamour or excitement for one reason or another. I don't think this is a conscious belief on their part. I think religion should be an integral part of school. Religion can turn a child's eyes inward toward themselves rather than outward at others. I also believe that the American society is becoming over burdened by laws. There are over two million laws. Nobody can know all the laws or all the intricacies of the law. In an attempt to force morality on people more laws are made. I believe that most police officers join the force wanting to do the right thing, however, since it is impossible for them to know all the laws and all the details of the laws they get confused easily. (I've seen it happen time and time again). Laws cannot take the place of morality. How many people break the law by speeding? Just about everyone? More later. . .
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