is a certain amount of insecurity and pride felt when
you are constantly creating new things. There is a freedom
felt when anything that can be thought, can be right
and can be brought to life. That is why I have never
been interested in being anything other than an artist.
I wondered for along time (and still do, quite honestly),
why I put myself through this daily worry about various
Have I done enough work lately? Have a made a strong
piece? Do I have creative and honest ideas? Am I a good
and hard working artist? Why do I question everything?
questions never get answered, and just wondering about
them can make and break a day. All these thoughts bounce
around inside my head constantly. I feel unsure and
confused about my work and myself all the time, but
that is good- to never settle and be satisfied with
what’s already done. The only conclusion I can make
is that I must enjoy these constant thoughts and worries.
I have never tried to push them aside or make them less
important. Actually, I think it is more than just that;
they are a necessity and a way of life that I can’t
control. So, I accept them and try to learn more about
myself through the way I think and create, and in the
way I answer myself. I am an artist- that is all I know
and truly love. It is not something that can be chosen;
it is something that must be. It is who I am and it
completely consumes me.
It all seems a bit selfish when you lay it out in these
terms of "I wonder", "I think", "I make"…and it is.
We make art and we critique art and share art mostly
for ourselves. Of course, we hope that it can reach
and affect others- but others can’t be the prime motivation,
not if you have that constant urge to imagine and build
and couldn’t live without it, even if tried. I guess,
the simple point I’m trying to make about who I am,
the most important thing about what makes me-me, is
that I need and love to make things, and assemble projects,
and jot down ideas and wonder about everything around