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Here are some sites I've collected which are either directly devoted to Thomas Merton and the study of his writings or are in some way related to him and the life he lead. For example, there are some links to Monastic sites that are related to Gethsemani Abbey where Merton lived, and to the Cistercian Order to which he belonged. These will help to give you an idea of who this man was and what he experienced while he was with us.

Thomas Merton Site
A site developed and maintained by Dan Phillips
who leads retreats and conferences on Merton.
Abbey of Gethsemani
The Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani is the
Monastery in Kentucky where Merton lived.
Abbey of The Genesee
Genesee Abbey in New York is a daughter house
of Gethsemani who's Abbot, John Eudes
Bambuger, is a former student of Merton's.
Mepkin Abbey
Mepkin Abbey, near Charleston, South Carolina
is also a daughter house of Gethsemani, planted
while Merton was a monk there in 1949.
Thomas Merton Center
Located at Bellarmine College In Louisville, KY, this is the home of the official Merton Collection - archives of his writings, cassette tapes, etc. which he helped set up before his death.

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