Merton Quotes

Merton Links

My Rambling

Thomas Merton is considered by many to have been the most significant spiritual writer of the 20th Century. Born in France in 1915 to artist parents, his father was a New Zealander, his mother an American. His Mother died when he was very young, about 5, and his Father when he was a relatively young man, before college. Tom received his early education in Europe, attending Cambridge University for a time until getting into "some trouble," when his grandfather brought him to New York. He then attended Columbia University for baccalaureate and master's degrees. He lived an extremely worldly life as a young intellectual prior to his conversion to Catholicism and his subsequent entry to the Our Lady of Gethsemani Trappist monastery at the age of 26, on December 10th, 1941.

He wrote prolifically while in the Monastery, a great deal at the direction of his superiors who recognized his gift. As he grew, he became a rather controversial figure in the Catholic Church of his day, dabbling in Zen Bhuddism as well as the Peace movement of the Sixties. After having been in the Monastery for quite a few years, he was allowed to take a trip he had much desired to take for some time - a fateful trip to Asia. On his way, he jaunted through the American West visiting freinds and giving a few lectures. He was on his way to Bangkok for a Conference of Cistercian Monastics in Asia. He lectured there after having travelled a bit in other countries. One afternoon after having finished a lecture on Marxism and Monasticism, he retired to his room, took a shower, and was reportedly electrocuted to death by a lamp with faulty wiring - on December 10th - 1968, at the age of 53.

"Big Tom", as I like to call him, has been quite an influence on my own spiritual development in the past several years. I have read several of his books and journals, and have been listening to some of the wonderful cassette tapes made of him teaching the younger Monks at Gethsemani in the 60's. This is great stuff folks! So, I thought it would be good to share some of this with you, whovever you may be. Below you will find some quotes, which I will try and update fairly regularly, links to sites of interest to Merton buffs, as well as some of my own ramblings about old Louis' thought. I pray God's Grace be with you as you visit here!

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