A Child's Cry for Help, (1994)

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This one is rarer, but still available. It's a pretty good movie, more of a tv-movie drama, inspired by actual advents (I think?), and Lisa's typical I'm here but don't say too much movie. She does have a few good parts in it that show some of here abilities. Her character in this one has a certain attitude to it and she pulls it off finely. For those of you who haven't seen Lisa in many movies, other than say ID4 or Mrs. Doubtfire, than I would recommend it to you. (If you can get your hands on it that is. . .)

Images Map
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Source of Images, BCrazy's Starlet Site
Sounds: No
Movies: No

External Links
Direct Link: Description Link to main page WebMaster
CCH Pictures are in very good quality. BCrazy's Starlet Site BCrazy
M.V.D.H.'s pictures 12 Same as BCrazy's pixs. my Lisa Jakub Home page Martin v.d. Heyde
Ian Yeowell page Same as BCrazy's pixs. WELCOME TO MY LISA JAKUB PAGE I.Yeowell

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