Lisa Jakub Filmography

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Lisa Jakub's Filmography
Name (Year) (Media) Character Played
Dream House (1998) (TV-Movie)
Painted Angels (1998) (Screen)
aka Wicked, Wicked West, The (1998) (USA: video title)
(formally known as Prairie Doves)
Issac Newton: A Tale of Two Issacs (1998)
(HBO {US}/The Family Channel {Canada})

Clara Storey
Beautician and the Beast, The (1997) (Screen) Katrina
On the Edge of Innocence (1997) (TV-Movie) Ally Winthrop
Bermuda Triangle (1996) (TV-Series) Annie
Lifeline (1996) (TV-Movie) Shelly Maitland
Independence Day (1996) (Screen)
... aka ID4 (1996)
Alicia Casse
Fight for Justice: The Nancy Conn Story (1995) (TV-Movie) Leisa Conn
Picture Perfect (1995) (TV-Movie) J.J. Thomas
Pig's Tale, A (1995) (Video)
aka Summer Camp (1995) (V)
Child's Cry for Help, A (1994) (TV-Movie) Amanda
Matinee (1993) (Screen) Sandra
Mrs. Doubtfire (1993) (Screen) Lydia Hillard
Vendetta II: The New Mafia (1993) (TV-Movie)
... aka Bride of Violence 2 (1993) (TV-Movie)
... aka Donna d'onore 2 (1993) (TV-Movie)
Rambling Rose (1991) (Screen) Doll Hillyer
Rape of Doctor Willis, The (1991) (TV-Movie) Carrie Willis
Story Lady, The (1991) (TV-Movie) Alexandra Pollard
Glory! Glory! (1989) (TV-Movie) Unknown
Phone Call, The (1989) (TV-Movie) Holly Andersen
Once Upon a Giant (1988) (TV-Movie) Little Red Riding Hood
Right of the People, The (1986) (TV-Movie) Katie
Eleni (1985) (Screen) Katis' Granddaughter
Other appearances
The Reckoning Unknown
Night Court Unknown
E.R. Unknown
Due South (1994) as "Christina Nichols"in episode: "Chicago Holiday - Part One" 1994
Due South (1994) as "Christina Nichols"in episode: "Chicago Holiday - Part Two" 1994
War of the Worlds (1988) as "Julie"in episode: "Pied Piper, The" 1990
My Secret Identity (1988) as "Unknown"in episode: "Pilot" 1988-1991.
I do not know if she actually appeared in the Pilot or was just shown in the credits.
Friday the 13th (1987) as "Janine Carlson"in episode: "The Playhouse" 1/23/1989
Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1985) as "Missy"in episode: "Kandinsky's Vault" 6/25/1988
Twilight Zone, The (1985) as "Lisa"in episode: "Street of Shadows" 1988
Friday the 13th (1987) as "Young Girl"in episode: "A Cup Of Time" 10/19/1987

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