The Chimera

A confusion of forms at high speed.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Stop Global Warming

I can't believe I voted for Al Gore! He's in Washington today demanding that congress STOP global warming. I heard that on the radio this morning and I laughed out loud. STOP global warming... STOP 11,000 years of post-ice-age thaw? STOP a global freeze thaw cycle that has been going on for eons? Al Gore is doing the environmentalists a huge diservice with this kind of nonsense. (Furthermore, he wants CO2emissions to be stopped... does this mean congress is going to keep me from breathing?)

Look, there's plenty of valid environmental causes to support: Recycling, Reduction of Heat Islands, Pollution, Energy Conservation, Renewable Resources... Why weaken a respectable mind-set with a bunch of hogwash that we can't control and have no provable impact on. Global Warming is the social mind-control issue of the new millenium... much the way that impending nuclear holocost was in the 70s and 80s. It's been hyped beyond believable limits on very shoddy "scientific" evidence which is largely inconclusive examined outside the cultural pressures of Environmentalism. STOP global warming, my ass. Stop the tides, solar flares or the slowing rotation of the Earth's core why don't we? Please.

I get into this idiotic discussion all the time. If I don't believe in man-made global warming, then I'm obviously one of those people who doesn't care about the environment... You know - like - if you say that the U.S. Civil War wasn't about ending industrialized slavery, then you're a racist. I'm not. It wasn't. The tactic is always to generalize instead of think. Don't fall for it. It's politicians who want to throw evrey baby out with the bath water. Ideas need to run through the wash and be subjected to critical analysis... some dirt is going to come off every concept in the wash... that doesn't mean it's a bad concept. The Global Warming people seem to be bent on claiming it's the critics who are dirty and not the ideas themselves (fearing that the idea will be tossed all together.)

When we start analyzing issues the way politicians do, we need to take a serious look at out critical thinking strategies.


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