The Chimera

A confusion of forms at high speed.

Thursday, October 07, 2004 - Report links U.N.�to Iraq bribes - Oct 6, 2004 - Report links U.N.�to Iraq bribes - Oct 6, 2004

Well, here we go... Apparently there IS some truth to the allegations that certain governments were in Sadam's pocket before the War in Iraq. This article brings out some rather nasty facts about the Oil for Food program which was supposed to provide humanitarian relief to the Iraqi people while keeping Sadam locked down. The governments of Russia, France and China were recieving the most oil and giving the Iraq government the most illegal money. Which explains why it was so hard to get a security council resolution authorizing people to go in there and stir up the dust. Seems like these exact same governments were the biggest opponents to doing anything about Sadam's non-compliance and now it's pretty clear why they didn't want him to be made to comply... they were getting rich off of it... to the tune of billions of dollars.

Thus, my distrust of the UN... the same why I distrust any bureaucracy. If I'm not willing to give up control of my life to the Federal GOvernment of the U.S. why would I let an even bigger juggernaut have any say? This kind of corruption is the exact reason! The UN is one seriously clumsy organization... they have as much trouble managing themselves as they do managing the rest of the world...


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