The Chimera

A confusion of forms at high speed.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Wow... been a long time...

I apologize for the long hiatus. Several things connected at the same time to make my life very hectic for the past few weeks. I'll be happy to share my thoughts on those matters in due time, but today is equally chaotic. I'm off again... this time to Baltimore for a pre-christmas family get-together. This will likely be the last, or second to last trip we end up making because women in their third trimester aren't supposed to travel much. So, as long as I have the strength to type after work, I'll have lots of time to post after the first of the year.


I was very unexpectedly laid off from Pearson & Peters Architects back in November. Which was neither a happy nor sad occasion. The firm had been getting steadily smaller since I started, and when you suddenly find yourself the senior employee somewhere one day, you have to figure your days are numbered. So after six years at a small firm, I'm looking for something that will be a step up in the world of architecture. Thanks to the improving economy for most industries, the job market (for architects anyway)ought to be ripe. Of course, they seemed to have picked the most diabolical time to do staff cut-backs. Who hires new employees before Christmas, or before the first of the year?? Not good business practices, unless you are a retail store at the mall looking for part-timers. I'm currently concentrating on two firms in Lexington with steller design teams and excellent reputations: EOP Architects and Omni. If that doesn't pan out, I suppose I can go the "extreme experience" route and court some corporate mega-firm. At least it would be a novel experience, and a pay-check. But we won't panic yet. There are other irons in the fire at the moment.

The best part of the whole experience is the fact that I have an updated resume and portfolio now (something I've been putting off for years..LOL)

OK, so if I neglect to post until after Christmas (the first in our new house!) Then Happy Holidays to everyone. Everyone travel safe and be nice to your families.


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