The Chimera

A confusion of forms at high speed.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Owen @ 3 Months

Owen @ 3 Months

I have finally gotten around to uploading some more recent photos of the boy. I find less and less time to blog as he gets bigger. If I'm not at work, I'm playing with him... and I know that reading about how cute my baby boy is would get tedious sooner or later. So, I'm just slowing down for a while... I'm also working on not being irritated anymore... If anyone has any suggestions on blog topics which do not require me to be irritated or angry, send them my way.

In the meantime, I've had this quote clipped to my desktop for months with no idea what to do with it... so, instead of elaborating, I'll just leave it here as food for thought:

"Anyone who's lived in a Blue State has probably encountered the problem of the Evangelical Atheist . . . the person who has discovered the Void and considers it their bounden duty to share their newfound joy with everyone around them, through force if necessary. Having lived in the born again Christian wing of my freshman dorm, I find that EA's, not fundamentalists, seem to be the undisputed champions of arrogant, intolerant, pig-headed religious boorishness. The fundamentalists who so earnestly tried to bring me into the fold were, after all, just trying to save me from an awful eternity in hell. The EA's are trying to save people from wasting two hours on Sunday morning. And no fundamentalist I've ever met has ever been so thoroughly oblivious to the possibility that they might be wrong." - Jane Galt


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