The Chimera

A confusion of forms at high speed.

Monday, August 15, 2005

One Year Anniversary?

It just dawned on me that I started this blog just over a year ago. August 2nd was the birthdate of this hobby. Which started with a couple of good books. I can't believe it's only (has already) been a year. So, maybe we can see if I've learned anything over the last year... the post which is closest to being a year old today is this one: Politically Exhausted

Which is hilarious because here I am, one year later, and still irritated by politics... and yet, I keep discussing them. It's hard to be responsible and attempt to stay on top of current events without getting irritated, but I suppose I shall have at least stop whining about it. Of course, that's tough when people you think are open-minded, level-headed and smart decide to take a nose dive into liberal-evangelicism at the slightest hint of political aroma. I'm not going to fall into the habit of calling liberals stupid or evil, but they share the habit of blind fury with fundamentalist religious zealots who liberals make a habit of denouncing thus. Someone even suggested that liberalism has become a religion for many people. But, I'm slowly learning ways to get liberals to have a sensible discussion without invoking the searing mindless passion that will have them denouncing you behind your back and wondering how things could have gone so wrong for you. LOL

Which leads me to feel the need to answer the question: what are your political beliefs anyway? Here are some of the "hot" issues.

1. The government should have as little to do with the personal lives of Americans as possible (especially in the bedroom.)

2. A government program that gives only money to the needy, teaches the needy to get money only from the government. The government may attempt to set up programs to aid those in need if congress sees fit, however direct reallocation of wealth through government handouts is theft from taxpayers.

3. The constitution gives Americans the right to freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. However, "under God," should be removed from the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. This is a coersion to accept spirituality in order to be allegiant to your country. That is unconstitutional. Spirituality is important to the theory of a democratic state. The Declaration of Independence decalres that the Creator gives common men the right to govern themselves. Without this spritual tennant democracy is hollow.

4. Abortion rights are not about death or choice. They are about innocence. An unborn child is an innocent life which has committed no crime for which death is punishment. As to whether a "life" is at stake the government is obligated to err on the side of caution until definitive proof is available, which it is not. Abortion, if legal must be heavily regulated. Previous posts on the topic: Pre-Persons, Chimera 2, and Reasonable Doubt. My ardent personal opinion is that abortion rights have more to do with protecting dead-beat male sexual partners from responsibility for their actions than it does with a woman's right to choose.

5. Racism: Regardless of what you read in the papers, racial tensions in the US are at an all-time low right now. I believe that programs like affirmative action are insulting to minorrity races and to all modern americans alike. The assertion that a black man or woman can't make it in America without a government-mandated leg up is perposterous. Victimhood is a state of mind. If you accept that you're a victim, you will always be a victim. The goal of all Americans is not to survive their trials, but to persevere in spite of them. How that key concept in the American psyche got lost, I'll never understand. I also think the concept of a hate-crime is unconstitutional. That is unashamedly in direct violation of the right to equal protection under the law. Hate crimes give more protection to certain minorities.

6. Protectionism has never and will never work.

7. Freedom is not won or given. It is an inherent quality that one must find within and fight to keep or realize.

8. Most importantly, do not tell me how to live my life or what to do in my own house so long as I am not violating the rights of any other person.

9. I've been a Democrat my whole life, and I believe that the more educated I become, and the more experience I gain, the less sense that party makes. Though it has been suggested that it isn't myself who has changed, rather it has been the party. I'm holding on to the (nearly imposssible) hope that the Democrats will regain some sanity and get back to positions that make sense and help people. So for the near future, I shall refrain from defecting to the GOP, but I have to say, I'd rather have rich Republicans telling me I can keep my hard-earned money than rich Democrats telling me I have to give it to a wasteful and bloated government.

Well, perhaps the political exhaustion has paid off this past year. More than ever before in my life, I am 100% sure of what I believe and why I believe it right now. Of course, things always change and they should. Next year we can look back on this post and see how things have gone. Perhaps I'll have made the political change? My wife's former boss once quipped, "Anyone who is not a liberal when they're young has no soul, and anyone who is not a conservative as an adult has no brain."


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