katey's blog

Saturday, October 09, 2004

I have returned. i know i haven't blogged in QUITE a while but I haven't really been in the mood to. But now I'm here and i've brought poetry with me. It will be show later on in the post. Right now i'm gonna tell you what's been happening. My first report card came in on friday, I think. I got an A in English, Art, and Biology. And I got a B in Algebra, Practical Statistics, World Civ., Latin, and Drama. For those wonderful grades my parents are buying me this messenger bag with Stuie (family guy) on it from Hot Topic. And my Papaw gave me $20. Oh yeah, I think I'll keep my grades up all year, no tellin what I could get, lol. Tryouts for the first play are monday& tuesday, and creative writing club (we have one now YAY!) are on wednesday. I'm so excited, I'll actually have something to do after school other than come home and watch T.V. Okay, now is time for the piece. It is yet to be titled so... it has no title, lol. Well enjoy..

Deep it runs, it's path never completely clear. Smooth is its feel, like the skin
of a love. Never ending its journey is. But that was how it was made to be.
Jagged may be some of the edges it runs into, but no matter what may seem
to block its path, it always conquers. This thing has no name, and, though it
may seem like it does, no form either. It is what you make it, therefore it is anything,
everything, and nothing all at once.
What Is It For You?

O.k. that's it for today. I should be back sometime before christmas, lol. This is Katey Creech signing out.