Punk Planet
Splendid E-zine
Impact Press
Maximum Rock n' Roll
Left Of the Dial
Lost At Sea
Mashnote Magazine
Delusions of Adequacy

I’ve really been dreading doing this review for the simple fact thatMalachai is, in all likelihood, the most schizophrenic band I’ve ever
laid my ears upon. Musical schizophrenia can be a beautiful thing if all elements are mixed in proper proportions. However, Malachai prefers to keep its multiple personalities separate from each other, rarely rearing their ugly heads at the same time.

1. On the spine of the jewel case in small lettering it reads “4xB 001” indicating that this is the first release from this record label; and it really shows. These Sounds of the Spirit World reeks of unprofessionalism. The back of the jewel case has the title of track five listed as “The Dumbest Girl in Town,” whereas the sleeve refers to the track as “Can’t Find Waldo.” In addition to this, there are several typographical errors throughout the insert. This isn’t a review of the artwork though, so I’ll move on to the album.

Where do I start? This record plays more like a mix tape than a single cohesive album. Pop rock, glitch pop, hip-hop, straight-up barroom rock, among other genres all make appearances on These Sounds of the Spirit World, but rarely at the same time, if ever. Perhaps the strangest characteristic of this record is that a good portion of the randomness represented is done fairly well. Each song has a memorable hook or melody that makes the album listenable.

Ignoring its awful lyrics, “O’Amy” is a very well-crafted pop-rock song reminiscent of the more accessible Pixies songs, complete with falsetto backing vocals and bouncy bass line.

“Draw These Legz” finds Malachai dropping the stringed and percussive instruments and picking up the synthesizer.

“Love a Man” has a rock/hip-hop feel similar to some of Beck’s earlier material; minus the witty lyrics. I’m really not sure what Malachai hoped to achieve with These Sounds of the Spirit World. Perhaps they wanted a reaction like “Wow, these guys are really versatile,” but more often than not it made me say “What the hell?”

Tyler, 2/23/04
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