Punk Planet
Splendid E-zine
Impact Press
Maximum Rock n' Roll
Left Of the Dial
Lost At Sea
Mashnote Magazine
Delusions of Adequacy

Malachai's first release can be considered as some sort of musical biography of the band. These 14 tracks, recorded over a couple of years with varied soundquality shows a band who aren't easy to pigeonhole. The influences go from electro to garage/bluesrock. To be honest, i only dig the first two songs on this disc. "O'Amy" is a catchy pop rock song basicly consisting of one riff and dual vocals. Quite good, sometimes reminding me of Pavement, etc. I don't know why there's another (live) version of this song with a different title somewhere on this disc.

Anyway. It's a good opening song. The second one "Draw these legz". Asimple beatbox pattern with some keys and cool vox. I was even humming this tune all day long the other day. So there, if they make me labelboss, this would be their first single. Too bad the other songs are more rock orientated, because i'd like to hear more stuff like this.

Malachai is not that different from Atom and his Package sometimes, funny lyrix and simple tunes. I bet they rock the house when playing live. But making it through the whole disc without skipping a track requires some steel nerves. Maybe you've got those qualities and should get this album. I'm gonna wait untill the single's out to hear how Malachai will make some kids dance.
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