Punk Planet
Splendid E-zine
Impact Press
Maximum Rock n' Roll
Left Of the Dial
Lost At Sea
Mashnote Magazine
Delusions of Adequacy

(top pick)
OK, what is this? One part Archers of Loaf, one part MC Paul Barman and about a million other musical references in between. These sounds of the Spirit World is either the best or worst record I’ve heard in a long time. It’s tough to say; each track is schizophrenically different from the last. A mass of electronic beats, funny-as-fuck lyrics and crazy vocals. Their first track, “O’ AMY,” might just be a nasty poke at the Get Up Kids song of the same name. (There are gratuitous references to dumb emo girls on this record, after all.) Whatever, I can’t stop listening to this thing. Malachai, let’s go get hitched and make crazy babies. (JG)

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