The Chimera

A confusion of forms at high speed.

Monday, July 17, 2006


There is was again! Right there on the arm of the sofa this time. Just sitting there doing something with its little monkey-like hands. He'd turned so quickly to see what was there that he'd missed it altogether. It had just not been there when he got his eyes focussed on the spot. He would have simply written it off as the past week of sleep deprivation catching up with him if he hadn't noticed it sitting there again a few minutes later. Right freaking there! It just sat there like some bizaar genetic prank, a monkey-cat... or at least something with the silohuet of a monkey-cat. His periferal vision picked out its form only in muted greys. The effort of not turning his head to get a better look was exhausting. He dared not blink and lose it again. Then, like any ordinary cat, it simply decided it needed to be somewhere else and moved from the arm of the sofa to the bookshelf in one long fluid motion. The movement of the thing was too much for his eyes and they shifted to follow it down the shelf only to see it fade as they locked focus on the spot where they supposed it ought to be.

Trevor was a little anerved. He could no longer see the thing. He also could not convince himself that it was entirely a halucination brought on by eye fatigue and lack of sleep. Things began clicking into place in his mind and the hairs on the back of his neck stood up one by one as he recalled trivial incident after trivial incident that did not seem so trivial in light of this event. He got up from the sofa; grabbed his keys and was out the door the apartment and into the parking lot with nearly the same determined grace of the cat-like thing he had just observed. As he started the car and backed out of the space, he could still hear Regina's exclamation from the day before.

"Oh crap! Hey..." she had yelled from behind him as he opened the door of his apartment.

"What is it?" he had called back.

"Oh... yeah. I was going to... I thought I saw your cat escaping."

"Uh... I don't have a cat."

The door closed behind him.

His mind settled into a steady pulse of thoughts that came and went with the passing street lights. So many little things were starting to make sense. But the big thing lingered. What the hell had just happened? Demon cat? Phantom kitty? It seemd to quaint... or poorly made up. If anyone heard him telling that tale in a bar, they'd accuse him of trying to get attention. He had to admit, it was a pretty lame as far as creepy stories went. But it had creeped him out badly. He wasn't sure where he was going right then, but he knew one thing for sure: He wasn't going back home tonight.

If you've ever had a moment where things suddenly begin clicking together in a way that resembles the noise a person's spine makes as it pops... pop pop pop pop! Then you might understand the process I'm going through right now. For some reason the other night, I was laying in bed trying deperately to be sleepy, when I started recounting fragments of a story in my head. At some point, I thought, "hey I oughta write this stuff down or else I'll forget it by the morning." So I started writing it out... in long hand or like this... but there was a sudden need to put thouhgts down for later. I don't know where this is going. I have quite a few bits starting to emerge, but I'm not sure where I'm taking them yet. Mostly I'm just grabbing fragments from memories or fantasies or dreams and stripping away the personal aspects...

Anyway, thought I'd share one, since I'm up and nowhere near my notebook...

Plots are finished so I'm heading home.


Quiet, dark
Heart aching.
Unuttered feelings gnawing steadily,
Plodding heartbeats almost morose.

Sticky, young
Night creeping.
Knowing that I could escape readily,
Watching shadow fiends creeping close.

Anyway, it's been years since I wrote any poetry... and even longer since I tried to rhyme anything. But since I was sitting around waiting for drawings to plot out, I thought I'd whip up something to fit the mood of the office while I kill time.